Duo Amaris

Guitar & Voice
About us

Short bio

Duo Amaris elevate the timeless simplicity of guitar and voice to new heights, winning over audiences with their ‘grand virtuosity and superb interpretations’ (Salzgitter Zeitung). Jesse Flowers’ mastery of the guitar’s rich array of tone colours coupled with Julia Spies’ remarkably clear diction and the pure expressive power of her timbre allows them to bring stories to life that span centuries, from songs by John Dowland to compositions written especially for them.

Both outstanding soloists in their own right, Spies and Flowers formed Duo Amaris, giving nearly 20 recitals as part of the 61. National Concert for Young Artists series and after receiving much praise from audiences and critics alike, and have continued to perform together regularly ever since. In April 2020 they released their Debut-CD ‘Nachtstücke ’ with the label PASCHENrecords to much critical acclaim, leading Opus Klassiek to write that ‘they form the ideal storytelling duo, the fine line between strict art song and intuitive freedom practically disappears.’ Their EP ‘Tell Them’ serves as the anticipated follow-up to their debut release, set to launch in the European Spring of 2024.

Their music-making centres around captivating storytelling and wholehearted musicianship, as well as a careful selection of repertoire that touches on themes rarely addressed in the world of classical music. The ability to engage in dialogue, approachability, and humor are integral parts of their collaborative work.

Duo Amaris elevate the timeless simplicity of guitar and voice to new heights, winning over audiences with their ‘grand virtuosity and superb interpretations’ (Salzgitter Zeitung). Jesse Flowers’ mastery of the guitar’s rich array of tone colours coupled with Julia Spies’ remarkably clear diction and the pure expressive power of her timbre allows them to bring stories to life that span centuries, from songs by John Dowland to compositions written especially for them.

Spies and Flowers, both recognized soloists in their fields, met at the Deutsche Musikwettbewerb 2016. They then founded the Duo Amaris, gave almost 20 concerts as part of the 61st Federal Selection of Concerts of Young Artists, which were praised by audiences and critics alike, and have been performing regularly as a permanent duo ever since.
In April 2020 they released their debut CD “Nachtstücke” on the PASCHENrecords label and received a lot of critical acclaim: “Julia Spies and Jesse Flowers form the ideal narrative duo in which intimacy and passion alternate with a great sense of atmosphere and in which the sometimes thin dividing lines between the strict art song and intuitive freedom practically disappear.” (Opus Klassiek)

Their EP ‘Tell Them’ serves as the anticipated follow-up to their debut release, set to launch in the European Spring of 2024. It is a collection of folk songs featuring settings by Lorca, Brahms, and Bartók. The centrepiece of the programme however is the song cycle ,Tell them’ (2023), inspired by the theme of folksong, written specifically for Duo Amaris by Brazilian composer João Luiz. It is set to texts by the Marshallese poet Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner, who, in her own words ,explores her culture’s rich storytelling and how it intersects and dialogues with evolving issues threatening the Marshall Islands’, concentrating on themes such as cultural belonging, home(lessness), womanhood and climate justice.

Our mission is to create moving experiences for our audiences through heartfelt musicianship and compelling storytelling. We carefully select repertoire that brings out the best in our instrumentation, and are committed to presenting new arrangements and original works by living composers. Furthermore, we aspire to continually broaden our own horizons while also expanding those of our audiences.

Central to this ambition is our wish to elevate voices and stories that have traditionally been underrepresented, and that touch upon themes rarely addressed in the world of classical music. We enjoy talking to the audience from the stage, and also off it, in the from of artist talks or meet and greets. Approachability, embracing dialogue and a sense of humour are fundamental to our collaborative work.

You can download our presskit here. It includes our biography and a selection of press-released portraits.


Unique concert programmes

Our programmes are composed of the stories we want to tell, music that brings out the best in our instrumentation, as well as compositions and arrangements that inspire us. We often find ourselves traversing the fine line between folk & art song. We enjoy talking to the audience from the stage, and also off it, in the from of artist talks or meet and greets.


Experience Duo Amaris live

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Saturday, 06.12.25
“Tell them” (Padua, Italy)

Julia Spies

Unkonventionelle Projekte ins Leben zu rufen und musikalisch-organisatorisch zu nähren, ist eine der großen Leidenschaften der Mezzosopranistin. Die Vergabe von Auftragskompositionen, abendfüllende szenische Oratorienabende, zeitgemäße Liederabendkonzeptionen, Improvisation sowie die Gründung von Ensembles sind Beispiele aus ihrem vielfältigen freiberuflichen Leben.

Julia Spies ist europaweit tätig als freiberufliche Konzert-, Opern- und Ensemblesängerin. Sie arbeitet in Ensembles wie Collegium vocale Gent, Chorwerk Ruhr, RIAS Kammerchor und ist Koordinatorin bei Seicento vocale. Als Solistin gilt ihre Zuwendung vor allem dem Oratorium, der Alten wie Neuen Musik und allen Epochen des Kunstliedes.
Ihr Studium absolvierte Julia Spies 2009–2019 bis zum Konzertexamen an der HfM Detmold bei Gerhild Romberger und Manuel Lange sowie an der HfMT Köln bei Lioba Braun und Michael Gees. Außerdem erlangte sie einen Bachelor der Musikwissenschaft an der Universität Paderborn.


Jesse Flowers

Vom sanftesten Flüstern bis zur perkussiven Kraft offenbart Jesse Flowers “alles an Spieltechniken und Klangwirkungen” (Badische Zeitung). Sein Spiel hat das Publikum in renommierten Konzertsälen wie der Wigmore Hall, dem Aldeburgh Festival und dem Musikverein in Wien in seinen Bann gezogen und führte ihn auf Konzertreisen durch sein Heimatland Australien, Europa, China und die USA.

Eine Reihe von Preisen bei internationalen Sologitarrenwettbewerben in Salzburg, Zagreb, London, Koblenz, Nürtingen, Alessandria und Darmstadt trugen dazu bei, dass er sich in der internationalen Szene etablierte; außerdem gewann er Preise bei renommierten Wettbewerben für mehrere Instrumente, darunter beim Deutschen Musikwettbewerb und dem Prinzessin Margaret von Hessen-Wettbewerb.

Seit April 2020 ist Flowers Professor für Gitarre an der Akademie für Tonkunst in Darmstadt. Darüber hinaus gibt er Meisterkurse bei Gitarrenfestivals und an Universitäten in aller Welt.


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Julia Spies

Julia Spies, mezzo-soprano, is more than an exceptional concert artist, earning accolades for her “profoundly sensitive and emotionally touching interpretations”, (O-Ton Kulturmagazin). She is also a leader with a social conscience, driven by a passion for bringing unconventional projects to life. This is reflected in her remarkably diverse portfolio that includes commissioning new music, producing full-scale scenic oratorio performances, innovative song recitals, improvisation, and founding ensembles. Her work is always guided by a commitment to building communities, finding purpose and meaning, promoting sustainability, and fostering empathy through thoughtful musical performance and engagement.

Spies is a versatile freelance artist, performing as a concert, opera, and ensemble singer across Europe. She regularly performs as part of the prestigious ensembles Collegium Vocale Gent, Chorwerk Ruhr, and RIAS Chamber Choir. She is a founding and leading member of Seicento Vocale, a vocal ensemble attracting attention for their striking programming and performances. As a soloist, she specialises in oratorio and art song, with a repertoire that encompasses everything from early music to contemporary compositions.
Julia completed her studies between 2009 and 2019, first at the HfM Detmold under the guidance of Gerhild Romberger and Manuel Lange (BA, MA). She then gained further inspiration at the HfMT Köln under the mentorship of Lioba Braun and Michael Gees (Konzertexamen). In addition to her performance career, she also completed a degree in musicology at the University of Paderborn.


Jesse Flowers

From the gentlest of whispers to visceral percussive power, Jesse Flowers ‘reveals the full potential of the classical guitar’ (Badische Zeitung). His playing has captivated audiences at renowned venues such as the Wigmore Hall, Aldeburgh Festival, and the Musikverein in Vienna, and has taken him on concert tours spanning his homeland Australia, Europe, China, and the USA.

A number of prizes at international solo guitar competitions, in Salzburg, Zagreb, London, Koblenz, Nürtingen, Alessandria, and Darmstadt, helped establish himself on the international scene, as did prizes at prestigious multi-instrumental competitions, including the Deutscher Musikwettbewerb and the Prinzessin Margaret von Hessen Wettbewerb.

As of April 2020, Flowers is Professor for Guitar at the Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt in Germany, where he teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Beyond this he also gives masterclasses at guitar festivals and universities across the world.


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